Monday, December 16, 2013

Huckleberry Finn Questions Chap 5-11 (Incomplete)

  1. Parents should want whats best for their kids, but here Pap wants to be better than Huck, which is the opposite of the American dream.
  2. It shows that family is very important to society, that families should stick together unless they absolutely have to get split up. At this point, it seems that Huck should be released to the Widow.
  3. He likes the feelingly of being free. Although Pap beats him and locks him in the Shanty, he doesn't have to be civilized, wear nice clothes, and he can smoke and cuss. This plays intot he theme of freedom. 
  4. Pap's rant was not so much about the government but to show the racism of that time. He is talking about a man who worked all his life to get where he was and earned everything he had, and all that Pap can think about was the fact that he was black. It is Twain's way of showing the readers the extreme racism of the time.
  5. The theme of freedom. At that point, they were both free.
  6. At the beginning of the novel, Huck didn't understand Tom's crazy imagination and now he wished he was there to help and put some fancy touches on the scene. With Tom there, his imagination would have gotten away from him and they plan would have become complicated and no longer successful.
  7. The bread that people sent was supposed to find Huck's dead body, but instead found alive Huck. Also he thought about people praying for the bread to find Huck, and it did. So he thinks that prayer only worked for the good people.
  8. Jim heard about Huck's murder so when he saw him there, he though Huck was a ghost. He was scared and didn't want to be haunted, so he told Huck to just go back in the water. 
  9. Jim was the first person to know that Huck is alive. So until then, Huck was dead to society. And  now he isn't all alone. But now, they had to stick together because if Jim wanders off and starts telling people, then Huck will be figured out. 
  10. In the North, most people were abolitionists, but because of where they were, you did not want to be against slavery. 
  11. Some of the superstitions that Jim talks about are thinks that happen anyway, but he just puts a little spin on them. For example, he said that if a man who owns bees dies, you have to tell the bees that he died before the next sunup or else they will stop working and die. So this isn't the bees retaliating but because the bee keeper died, no one takes care of the bees and then they die. The superstitions are just how Jim interprets life and how he makes sense of it.

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