Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chapters 12-15 Questions

  • 1. What kind of men do Huck and Jim find on the steamboat? Why are the men there? 
    • They are the men that Huck and Tom pretended to be in their gang. These men were robbers and killed people, just like Tom wanted to be. The men were on the boat to steal whatever was on there and when one of then tried taking more than their share, they killed him, or planned to anyway. 
  • 2. What is the name of the boat Huck and Jim land on?  Why is this funny? 
    •  Walter Scott, its funny because Walter Scott was a romantic author and the boat is sinking so Twain is suggesting that Romanticism is nothing but sinking shipwreck
  • 3. Discuss the difference between "real" adventures and Tom's adventures?  
    • During Huck's real adventures, it isn't all about the big hero, its about surviving. Tom's adventures would have gotten them both killed three chapters ago.
  • 4. What is the plan once they reach Cairo? 
    •  They were going to sell the raft and hop on a steamboat that would take them north on the Ohio river to the free states.

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