Monday, December 9, 2013

Regionals Homework

  1. The speaker encounters death in a calm manner.
  2. The speaker doesn't agree with the majority.
  3. Everyone is calming down before the person actually dies. It's the calm before the storm. 
  4. Dickinson thinks deaths is inevitable and also that no one know what come next after death. "Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell." She is saying that death is a mystery. 
  5. She capitalizing words to emphasis her main ideas. For example, "Much Madness is divinest Sense" 
  6. The tone of Dickinson's poems is very dark and somber. They make me want to throw myself of a bridge. 
  7. Poems
    1. Much Madness in divinest Sense
      1. Society itself is crazy.
    2. My Life had stood a Loaded Gun
      1. NO idea
  8. The stylistic features of Letter to Mr. T. W. Higginson that are consistent with her work are the short lines and the use of dashes.  

1 comment:

  1. 5 - good put analyze the words choices meaning
    7 - how can a life be a loaded gun?

    Decent answers.
