Thursday, December 12, 2013

Outline of Lincoln's second Inaugural Adress

  • Paragraph 1
    • This speech will be quick
    • There isn't much new news 
    • He holds high hopes for the future
  • Paragraph 2
    • The nation would have split if not for the war
    • Half of the country wanted to avoid war and split while the other wanted war to save it, they went to war.
  • Paragraph 3
    • Slavery is what caused the war, but it was fought to keep the nation together
    • No one anticipate the magnitude of the war and that the conflict was still there
    • Everyone worships the same God and reads the same Bible
    • God has a plan, and this is part of it.
    • No one is to judge God for his plan
    • Its over when God says it's over
  • Paragraph 4
    • His plan is to bind the country's wounds and come together a one stronger country 
    •  Everyone should care for one another
    • Do whatever it takes to keep peace among the nation. 

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