Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Vocab 2.

  • Anachronistic
    •  Adj
    • Chronologically misplaced
    • The anachronistic  order of Sally's story confused the class and the teacher. 
  • Circuitous
    •  Adj
    • (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way.
    • Tod always took a circuitous route to avoid class time. 
  • Deleterious
    •  Adj
    • Causing harm or damage to health. 
    • When the deleterious tornado touched down in Kansas, all of the near by towns were saddened.
  • Ephemeral
    •  Adj
    • lasting for a very short time. 
    • The night before regional was a ephemeral night for sleep. 
  • Evanescent
    •  Adj 
    • Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing. 
    •  The memory of the old man's first girlfriend was an evanescent one.
  • Fortuitous
    •  Adj
    • Happening by chance rather than design. 
    •  People winning the slot machine is fortuitous.
  • Intrepid
    • Adj.
    • Fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect). 
    • The captain and her intrepid team took on all of the bad guys in battle and won!  
  • Precocious
    •  Adj
    • (of a child) having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual. 
    • The precocious pianist was wanted by all of the top music schools in the nation. 
  • Sagacity
    •  N
    • The quality of  good judgment
    •  The straight A student had good sagacity.
  • Tenacious
    • Adj
    • Characterized by keeping a firm hold. 
    •  The tenacious table was of high quality

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