Thursday, September 26, 2013

Patrick Henry Questions 1-6

  1. Patrick Henry would like the colonists to fight in a war against the British!
  2. They signed a petition.
  3. The British ignored the colonists. 
  4. Henry's audience is his fellow politicians so he has some background knowledge about how they feel about going to war. They all don't want to become slaves, but some may not feel that war. This makes Henry's tone more persuasive and passionate. For example, "Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery." When he says this, he is talking about how the war is inevitable and the only outcome if they don't fight is that they with become slaves. 
  5. Allusions
    1. Line 18-19
      1. What he means by this is that someone would have to either be blind or def to not know that the war was happening.
    1. Line 74-75
      1. He is saying that God will be there to help fight the battles and they will need Him to win.
  6. Henry uses both his emotions and logic. An emotional part of the speech would be the famous word, "...give me liberty or give me death!" while the more logical parts would be when he speaks of how there are 3 million people there to fight the war, and if they all fight they stand a chance against the British. 

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