Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Ethos, Logos, and Pothos

Edward uses pathos throughout the entire piece but the most effective way he uses it is first making his audience fear God and then giving them hope. Hope that they can still be saved and born again. Hope and fear are thought to be two of the most powerful emotions when trying to persuade an audience. Because Edward is a minister he automatically has ethos, but when he alludes to the bible it further supports his position. He uses logos by the obvious logic that if you are a sinner, then you are going to hell. His allusions to the bible also help his case when using logos. I think his strongest argument is that God sees humans as insignificant little bugs and he can toss anyone into hell at any moment. Edward's use of all three logos, pathos, and ethos successfully is what make this piece triumphantly persuasive.

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