Wednesday, February 5, 2014

P.O.W. Homework

A.     Chapters XXI – XXIII
1.     Huck, although some times his view of what is right and wrong is skewed from him up bringing, he wants to do what right. Huck knows that what the King and the Duke is doing is wrong, so he doesn’t partake in the act.
2.     Honor is something that southerners take very seriously and in the scene when Boggs was calling out Sherburn and embarrassing him, he did what he needed to do to protect his honor and pride.
3.     The circus was a real show done by real professionals. The people preforming the circus were not a scamming, but how honest people are making a living. The ‘entertainment’ that the king and duke supplied was not entertainment at all but a scam.
4.     Huck’s reaction to the circus reinforces the idea of how naive Huck is and how literal he is. He thought that the ringmaster was the one who was most deceived.
5.     People want to see what they are supposed to see. When the how was advertised that women and children were not allowed, this made it more tempting for the men.
6.     Twain is making fun of royalty. Huck doesn’t want to tell Jim because he doesn’t want to start any unnecessary trouble.
7.     This is a side of Jim that connects to his personal side. This is a side of him that society tries to push away. This story aide in Huck’s later choice to save Jim.
B.     Chapters XXIV – XXVII
1.     Clothes in these chapters show how the duke and king take control of things and how Huck and Jim didn’t feel comfortable with the scam they were playing. In previous chapters, Jim and Huck have been naked on the river, and that’s when they were most comfortable.
2.     Huck is starting to form his own opinion about life and his own morals. Now that Huck has had a long time to think about things without society having an influence on him, he has formed his own views on life.
3.     The girls having just lost their father, making them orphans, makes then very vulnerable. It also doesn’t help that they hadn’t ever met their uncles before and the idea of have two uncles traveling very far to come and save the day is very romantic thus making them want to trust in them.
4.     Eating in the kitchen where slaves and servants eat.  The nickname is significant because is focuses on a poor quality that Joanna has. This is a theme of judgment and how harsh people can be for the way people look.
5.     That people are stupid and just believe the first thing that they hear. Or that people want to see the best in others, only of course if they are white.
6.     Now that Huck ahs had time to form his own opinions on what is right and wrong, he is starting to act on these newfound feelings. He feels terrible for the now orphaned girls and what’s to do what he feels is right. The theme of right vs. wrong can be applied to this situation.
C.     Chapters XXVIII – XXX
1.     A dog that was killed by a figure that can be described as death interrupts the scene of the funeral. This is kind of disrespectful the funerals and what they mean to people. This death figure is one who is looked upon as friendly by the towns people. Death is not normally associated with friendliness. The way this scene is described is offensive in the way that a funeral is a time for people to say good bye to ones they love and celebrate life, but Twain chooses to kill a dog in the middle of the scene and it seems insensitive to the situation. I don’t think that this the criticisms is justified, however, because most of the book is very dark and if someone was to criticize this one scene, then I would think they would have issues with the entire novel.
2.     Huck feels that Mary Jane deserves to hear the truth and not only does him telling the truth help with his moral dilemma, it’ll help get rid of the King and Duke, or so he thinks.
3.     Huck starts lying to not only help himself, but also to help other. In these chapters he is looking to help the girls from the king and duke but also to get Jim and himself free of the king and duke as well. His lying is less selfish.
4.     He wanted to draw the attention more to the bad the white people can do on their own. People in his time always antagonized black people and Twain wanted to show that white people can do just as bad.
5.     It shows his excitement for the very intense situation. It shows that people in this town like to involve themselves in these romantic situations and Haines momentarily forgot about the task at hand, keeping Huck under control.
6.     Huck loves Mary Jane. He thinks she is the most amazing person in the world and he tells her to go away to save her from the king and Duke. This shows Huck encountering his feeling like this for the first time.
7.     He thinks that if these people would just stop and listen that they could obviously see which story is truthful and which is nothing but lies.
8.     The doctor represents realism. He is the only person who sees through the king and duke’s scheme.
9.     I think they remain villains. These two characters are the ones who make Huck realize what is truly right and wrong.  Keeping the villains helps Huck with is choice to save Jim and go on the path of his own morals.
D.    Chapter XXXI – XXXV
1.     Yes because this is when Huck finally makes the choice to go on the path of his own morals, regardless of what society deems acceptable.
2.     Huck has never been a man of religion. He steals, lies, and never prays. But it’s this decision right here that determines that he is going to hell.
3.     The scene Huck describes is one that is very similar to his home. It is also calming and quiet compared to the life he had been living sense he ran away.
4.     Huck thinks to himself that providence would do good things for him as long as he left it alone. Miss Watson wouldn’t agree with thins because Huck is trying to steal property from someone else and she wouldn’t approve of that.
5.     Huck says that no one got hurt just a nigger got killed. It is ironic because this statement implies that Huck still believes that blacks are just property but in fact he is here to save Jim. This is also funny because he just made the choice to go to hell in order to save his own morals.
6.     The theme that comes to mind is Realism vs. Romanticism. The odds of this situation actually happening are very slim. This is a very romantic situation; despite Twain’s open displeasure with romanticism. Although it doesn’t make sense in the way that Tom is a symbol of Romanticism.
7.     Huck wants to save his friend from slavery while Tom just wants to have a fun adventure.
8.     This shows the moral development of Huck. Although the duke and king made Huck’s life harder and Huck didn’t agree with a lot of the things they did, Huck didn’t think they deserved to die in such a way.
9.     He talks about how stealing isn’t right and how he never stole anything, even though they are going to steal Jim back.
10.  Huck let Tom take control because he thinks that Tom is more educated on how to get through these situations. In the beginning of the novel, Tom took the lead of the gang and said that they had to do everything like in the adventure books. Huck just let Tom do his thing and didn’t want to start any trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the question #4 from chapters 27-30. Think - was there slavery at this time in England?
