Friday, November 8, 2013

Vocab 4

  • Anathema
    •  N
    • a person or thing detested or loathed
    • The basketball games were an anathema to George because he enjoys a good chess match instead.
  • Emolument
    • N
    • profit, salary, or fees from office or employment
    •   The babysitter made a large emolument because she charged excessive amount for her services.
  • Mountebank
    • N
    • any charlatan or quack. 
      The king in Huck Fin is a mountebank.
  • Deleterious 
    • Adj
    • injurious to health
    • Some people thought that basketball was deleterious because of the other players playing to rough.  
  • Misanthropy 
    • N
    • hatred, dislike, or distrust of humankind. 
       Frank was the towns misanthropy after his wide died in a tragic drunk driving incident. 
  • Indefatigable
    • Adj.
    •  incapable of being tired out
    • The indefatigable toddler ran circles around her exhausted parents. 
  • Constrained 
    • Verb
    • to repress or restrain
    • The baby was constrained when her mother swaddled the child to soothe her.
  • Amenable 
    • Adj
    • ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield
    • The amenable high school student only want to fit in and be cool.   
  • Averred 
    • Verd
    • state or assert to be the case.
    • The jury averred that they blood thrust murder was guilty.  
  • Heterodox
    • Adj
    • Holding unorthodox doctrines or opinion 
    • The resolution submitted to AASG by Kong was heterodox because their facts were missleading and incorrect. 

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