John Smith's purpose for writing The General History of Virginia was to share his experiences in the New World and to shed some light on himself. John Smith wrote, "...who finding he was beset with 200 savages, two of which he slew, still defending himself with the aid of the savage guide, whom he bound to his arm with his garters and used him as a buckler..." Only a man who thought very highly of himself would over exaggerate a story this way. He got away with it by writing the story in third person, this way it made is seem as though someone else what writing of his noble deeds. If he wrote this story in first person he would only seem like a conceded ass.
He also wanted to share stories of what life was like in the new World. If he made the stories exciting and adventurous then the would encourage others to come to the colony. If other travelers came to the colonies, this would make them more successful.
Are you sure he wanted to make other travelers come to the colonies to make "them" more successful? This would make him have feelings for the success of the town. It's almost altruistic.