- Episode One:
Tom's Gang (Chapters 1-4)
- Huck talks about living with The widow and learning
manners and Miss Watson teaches him about the bible
- Huck sneaks out to go meet Tom
- They were sneaking through the garden when they
hear Jim
- They wait a while and then play a trick on Jim
- Tom puts together a gang where they plan to stop
people on the highway, 'ransom people', and keep the women until they
fall in love with the gang members
- The boys went to go steal money from people with
elephants and it turns out that it was just a Sunday school lunch
- Huck wasn't buying it but Tom insisted that they
were being hidden by magic by genies
- After there were no murders or ransoming, the boys all
quit the gang.
- Huck hears rumors about Pap coming back into town to
get his money, so he goes to Judge Thatcher to get rid of all his money
- Jim has a hair ball that he talks to, after paying a
samll fee, and it 'makes magic'. Jim talks to it and it says that Pap is
coming back to town
- Pap is waiting for Huck in his room
- Episode Two:
Huck and Pap (Chapters 5-7)
- Pap talks about how he doesn't like the way Huck is
acting a wear, he wants him to stop going to school
- Pap wants Huck to cough up the money, but he says he
doesn't have it anymore and that all he has is one dollar
- Pap went to Judge Thatcher talking about how he
is going to have the law force Thatcher to give Pap the money
- Thatcher and the widow file a law suit to try and get
Huck taken from Pap
- The new judge took Pap to his house and cleans his up
and fed him a good meal, Pap said he was going to change his way only to
roll off of the roof drunk that same night
- Pap took Huck out to an old cabin in the woods to stay
at so he can't be taken or escape
- Huck liked it out there because he could be lazy,
sleep in, and not have to maintain the same manners the widow made his
- Huck thinks about prayer and how it must only work for
good people
- Pap locked Huck into the cabin when ever he was gone,
one time it was three days straight
- One night Pap came home so drunk that he was ranting
about hte government and after he passed out he woke up and attacked
Huck. He was so scared he fell asleep with the gun in hid arm just incase
- Huck carved a whole in the wall so one of these days
he could escape from Pap.
- Huck found a boat in the river and hid it
- Huck faked him own murder and made it look like
someone came in and stole a bunch of stuff and killed Huck, then he
headed out on the boat to Jackson island
- Episode Three:
Jackson's Island (Chapter 8-11)
- Huck head a loud boom down the river and it was a
search party looking for Hucks body at the bottom of the river
- They sent bread down the river and Huck managed to
snatch some up
- After three days of nothing, Huck went exploring and
found a campfire that was still smoking and then he found Jim
- Jim thought Huck was a ghost and begged Huck not
to kill him or haunt him
- Jim told his story of how he escaped
- They talked about the superstitions they believed in
- They went and explored the island and found a cave to
sleep in
- Huck and Jim saw a house floating down the river so
they went to check it out and found a dead guy who had been shot in the
house. They took some things and then took it back to their camp
- Huck played a joke on Jim that resulted in Jim getting
bit on the foot by a snake
- Huck dressed up at a girl and went to shore to see
what was going on in town
- Huck went to a girls house and she told him that her
husband was going to look at Jackson island for the black guy that ran
- Huck went back to the island and told Jim that they
have to get a move on
- Episode Four:
Huck and Jim on the River (Chapters 12-16)
- Huck and Jim headed out on the raft and made little
stops on the way to 'barrow' food. But only some kinds of food, not crab
apples so they had good karma
- They floated by a ship wreck on a stormy night and
Huck wanted to land on it, Jim didn't want to but they did anyway
- Huck headed for the Captain State Room but there were
thugs in there
- They were talking about killing one of member for
taking too much of his share
- Huck got out of there and told Jim to get on the
boat, but it got taken away by the current
- They took the thugs' boat and then Huck felt bad so he
sent to shore and sent someone to go save the men, but it was too late
- Huck was reading to Jim some stories from a book that
he found on the boat from the thugs about King Solomon and Jim wasn't so
- Their plan was to get on the Ohio river from Cairo
- There was thick fog and Huck and Jim got separated by
an island. On the other side of the island they met back up and dozed off
- They came across a group of men on a boat and Huck
went to see what they were about
- There were a couple fights and then there was a man
telling a story about how he strangled a baby to death cause he wanted
his to hush up
- Two men were looking for run away slaves and Jim said
he was with his dad but he had small pox so the two men didn't check him
- A large paddle boat came and destroyed the new boat
and Jim and Huck got separated again
- Huck climbs out of the water and he stumbles upon a
- Episode Five:
The Feud (Chapters 17- 18)
- A voices yells out find see who is outside and
Huck tells them his name of George Jackson
- Huck was instructed to walk to the house slowly and
just peek his head inside
- When Huck got to the door and peaked him, there were
men pointing guns and decided that Huck wasn't a Shepherdson and he was
let into the house and was given new clothes and some food to eat
- Buck asks Huck a riddle and Huck doesn't get it or
think its funny
- When the family asks how Huck came about he told them
all of his family is dead and he wondered upon their house
- Huck was invited to stay in their house as long as he
needed and when Huck woke up the next morning he cold remember the name
that he had given himself
- Huck asked Buck to spell his name so he could
- Huck describes the house as very nice with so much
- There was artwork everywhere about death
- He talks about a girl who used to write poetry when
she was alive about the people and how they died
- Huck describes the family
- Huck talks about the Shepherdson's and how the two
familes used to share the same steamboat landing
- Huck and Buck are in the woods and they hear horses
- They hid in some bushes was when they saw it was Henry
Shepherdson so Buck took a shot at him which blow is hat right off
- The boy ran all the way home and told the family about
what just happened
- Buck explains to Huck why he wanted to kill him and
about the feud, but doesn't actually know how it started.
- Huck doesn't understand why they would still be
fighting is they know even know what they are fighting about
o Huck
goes to the church with the Gragerfords and he thought it was funny that the
two feuding families not only went to church together, but the priest talked of
brotherly love the whole time
o Sophia
asked Huck to go back to the church and grab her book that she left there, but
not to tell anyone
o Huck
grabbed the book and a note fell out that said half past two, but Huck didn’t
think much of it
o Huck’s
nigger took him down to the swamp to see Jim, this is the first time they’ve
seen each other in a while
o Jim
tells Huck that he got the raft back
o Huck
wakes up and no one is in the house and he learns that Sophia has run off with
one of the Shepherdsons
o A
brawl broke out, lots of people were killed, and Huck and Jim retuned to the
river on the raft
- Episode Six:
Intro to the Duke and the King (Chapter 19-20)
- Huck and Jim spend some time on the river and then
they run into two men, one older than the other, being chased by men and
- Huck asked why they were in trouble and they said they
were selling paste that would clean the plaque off of your teeth and
didn’t mention to their costumers that it ruins your teeth at the same
- The other man said he was preaching being clean and he
had a personal stash on the side and people found out
- The men reveal the secret of their birth, one man is
king Dauphin and other is duke of Bridgewater
- They both talk about how they miss the way they were
treated and at the very least Huck and Jim should call them Your Majesty
and My Lord
- Huck knew they were lying but he didn’t both calling
them out or telling Jim because he didn’t want to start any trouble
- The duke and king asked about Huck and Jim’s story and
Huck told them that his family had al died off and he was left with Jim
and they traveled at night because too many people were giving them
trouble about have a black guy on the boat.
- There was a storm coming so they made beds on the raft
and Jim and Huck were going to take shifts watching the boat but the King
and Duke took up the entire wigwam so they just took turns sleeping
- The storm came and it was the biggest one Huck had
seen in a while, one time it threw him over board
- Once the storm ended they pulled into a little nook
where they hid for the day
- The king and duke decided that they were going to out
on Romeo and Juliet and charge people admission to get a little money
- Huck, the king, and the duke went into a one-horse
town grad some supplies
- The king decided that he was going to get some extra
money by dressing up as a pirate, going into a church and telling
everyone that he was going to change his ways and it was all thanks to
the church. Everyone gave him money because he was going to go out and
change other pirate for the better
- The duke had printed a wanted poster for Jim so they
could travel during the day
- Episode Seven:
Boggs, Sherburn, the Circus, and Royal Nonesuch. (Chapters 21-23)
- The king and duke spend the days practicing their
Romeo and Juliet and deicide to add to the show
- The duke wants preform the famous soliloquy, and tries
to remember it, but does a terrible job
- They get to towns and there are men lighting bog
tails on fire or tying bottles to their tails and watch then run around
until they die
- There is a man, Boggs, who goes on bender about once a
year and he was being obnoxious and Sherburn can out and shot him dead in
front of his daughter.
- The crowd of people who saw what happened was
reenacting the scene and telling other what had just happened
- The town wanted to lynch Sherburn for killing a man
solely on the fact that he was being obnoxious
- Sherburn told the mob how stupid they were for coming
to lynch him in broad daylight
- The mob split and left after Sherburn’s speech
- Huck went to the circus and when they did an act where
a man from the stand does a stunt and it turns out he was actually one of
the member of the show, Huck didn’t fully understand the joke, as usual.
- When the Duke, King, and Huck tried doing their show,
only about twelve people showed up and the only person who stayed at the show
had fallen asleep
- They came up with a new plan which involved a show
were woman and children were not admitted to get the attention of the men
- They went to do their new show and the place was
- The King went out on stage, butt naked and jumped around
and made some funny noises for a while, the crow loved it, but it was
over too quick for them.
- The next night the house was packed again and same
thing went on, and the crowd was not happy about the length of the show
- The third night, Huck was getting the money at
the front door, and the house was packed again. This time the crowd had
brought rotten food to throw at the king while he was on stage.
- The three of them collected all the money, but didn’t
go in stage, they ran before they could get food thrown at them
- When they get back to the raft the count the money and
they made over four hundred dollars in three night
- Later when the King and Duke went to sleep, Jim,
asked Huck what he thought of the King and the Duke
- Huck goes on to talk about how King George wanted to
get the colonies in trouble so he threw all of the tea in the Boston
- Huck fell asleep and
woke up to Jim crying and moaning and Jim tells him a story about when he
was yelling at his daughter and because she wasn’t listening he smacked
her, but then he realized after that she was deaf and how he feels so and
about that everyday of his life
- Episode Eight:
Dead Peter (Chapters 24-30)
- Jim wanted to find a new plan for keeping him safe
while they were out in the town because he was getting tired of having to
be tired up al day
- The duke dressed him up in funky clothes and painted
his face so he looked worse than death. Then he wrote a sign that said
sick Arad – but harmless when not out of his head. This way passersbys
would steal clear.
- The three went to go try and post sign for royal
nonesuch again and found a man looking to get on a seam boat and picked
him up
- The king started asking questions and found out that
here was a man who passed away and then he told the king and duke all about
the family and the whole situation
- The king and duke decide to crash the funeral and take
all that the man left behind for his bothers, who they were going to
impersonate, Huck would play their servant
- The three of them got on a boat and the charade was on
- When they got to town family members weeping and
grieving over to dead peter greeted them.
- The king went on to talk about the family, the
information given to him by the young man in the boat, and this convinced
everyone that they were Pater’s brothers.
- The will was read and the king and duke are the first
ones to go get the money that was left over and count it. They came up
with a plan to make themselves look good, but still end up with the money
- They announce that they are going to leave all of the
money to the girls who are now orphaned, and the crowd goes wild.
- The king started running his mouth and then the doctor
calls him and the duke out as frauds
- The girls are appalled at such an accusation, and they
give all of the money back to the duke and king.
- The duke, king, and Huck are set up for sleep and then
they go downstairs for a big supper
- Everyone except Huck and one of the daughters they
called hare-lip ate in the dinning room. The other two ate in the kitchen
- Joanna started and Huck all these questions about life
in England and time and time again Huck get stuck in his lies because he
knows nothing about England.
- Mary Jane comes in to save the day and tell Joanna
that she is being rude to their guest who is so far away from home and
that she ought to be nicer to him
- Huck feels bad for letting the duke and king rob these
poor girl blind, so he plans on stealing the money from them and hiding
it in a place that he can later write Mary Jane a letter telling her
where it is
- Huck goes to steal it but has no idea where to look so
he listens in on some conversations to find out
- He over hears the duke and king talk about selling all
of the property and taking that money too and that gets Huck real fired
- Huck find the money, takes it, and goes downstairs to
hid the money, but he was in the room with the coffin when someone starts
- Huck hides the money in the coffin with the corpse and
then hide
- Mary Jane is the one who comes downstairs and she
starts crying over the corpse of her dead father
- Huck runs back upstairs, but can’t sleep because he is
too amped up
- The next day was the funeral so Huck couldn’t go get
the money back without looking suspicious and before he knew is people
started flowing in until the place was packed
- The undertaker was there helping fit everyone fit into
the church and he was described as very friendly and helpful, making sure
everything goes smoothly
- In the very start of the sermon, there was a dog in
the cellar that was making a lot of racket and the undertaker went down
and killed the dog without hesitation. Then he came back up and the
funeral went all without a hitch
- The king told everyone that they had to get back to
England a.s.a.p. and so it was important that they sell the estate very
quickly and get home.
- They started my selling the slaves and he separated a
daughter from her mother and everyone was very upset about it.
- The next morning the king and duke came into Huck room
and was asking him all about if he knew where the money was and asked if
he’d seen anyone with the money. Huck says that it might have been the
slaves that stole and they were both impressed wit their plan and would
settle for the money from the estate sale.
- Huck saw Mary Jane in her room crying so he went in
there to ask her what was the matter
- She goes on talking about how bad she felt for the
mother and daughter and then Huck blurts out that they’d see each other
soon forcing him to tell her the real truth, which he was happy to do in
order to save the girls and maybe even rid himself of the King and Duke
- They thought up a plan to get the King and Duke
arrested, but leave time for Huck escape back to the raft with Jim
- Huck tells everyone that Mary Jane had to go to a
friends house because one of their friends had fallen sick and the duke
and king went on with the auction as planned
- Just as they thought their plan was going off nicely,
the real brother show up and now there is the dilemma of who is the real
heir of the estate
- They do some tests trying to prove who was right and
it come down to knowing if Peter had a tattoo on his chest.
- The town and both set of brother go to the grave site
of Peter and dig him up, and this whole time Huck is bing help by a very
large man, making it impossible to escape.
- When the bag of gold was discovered, the man let go of
Huck from excitement and Huck ran and ran until he got to the raft.
- Huck had forgotten all about the make up and so when
Jim came out of the wigwam, he scared Huck so bad Huck went overboard and
Jim had to fish him out of the water
- Just when Huck and Jim thought they were rid of these
two horrible men, they come floating down the river and get on the raft.
- When bet got on board, the King started shacking Huck
accusing him, rightly of course, that he was trying to get away from the
duke and king and the king was shacking him and thrashing him around
- The duke intervenes and accuses the king of stealing
the money and taking it all for himself and then the king was one the one
being thrown around the raft
- They both come to an agreement and then end up passed
out drunk in the wigwam, giving Huck the opportunity to tell Jim
everything that had happened over the past few days.
- Episode Nine:
The Return of Tom (Chapters 31-43
- The King goes into town to see if they can do Royal
Nonesuch again because they are broke and tell the duke and Huck to come
find his if he hasn’t come back by midday
- The king isn’t back so they go into town and find him
in a bar and Huck takes this opportunity to run away and escape the two
- When Huck gets back to the raft, Jim isn’t there
- He finds a man walking and Huck asks if he’s seem Jim
and he said he was sold for 40 dollars and Huck realizes that the King
probably sold him for a drink
- Huck makes the decision to go save Jim instead of
write to Ms. Watson and this is when Huck truly chooses to follow his
moral compass rather than take the path of society. (Also the inciting
- Huck finds out where Jim has been sold to by the duke
who confesses to selling Jim and then heads that way
- When Huck arrives at the farm, he doesn’t have a plan
but just decides to wing it and sure enough it work
- The farm that he is at turns out to be the farm owned
by Tom Sawyers aunt and she has been excepting Tom to show up any day
- Huck tell her that he is Tom and then intercepts the
real Tom before he gets there
- At first Tom thinks Huck is a ghost and doesn’t
believe that it’s the real him but after some convincing Tom says ok. And
of course he is all for the adventure and plays along with Huck’s lie and
his plan to save Jim
- They get back to the farm and convince Tom’s aunt and
uncle that Tom is Sid, their other nephew
- There was talk about The Royal Nonesuch and the town
knew it was a scam and Huck was worried about them
- The Duke and King were tarred and feathered and Huck
felt bad for them even though they were terrible to him
- They find out where Jim is being held and Huck comes
up with a basic and logical plan, but Tom says its not what the book say
so in stead of just sneaking Jim out through the door, they are going to
dig Jim out of the hut
- Tom comes up with a bunch of ridiculous things for Jim
to do in order to be a prisoner like in his adventure books and so they
devise a plan to get Jim all of the supplies he needs and it also
requires Tom and Huck to steal a lot from his aunt and uncle.
- Some of the things that Jim has to do is carve things
into big rocks, write letter on shirts with blood, Tom and Huck send him
a rope ladder baked in a pie, Jim and Huck put rats, snakes, and spiders
in his bed and he plays music to them to tame them, as Tom put it. They
also are going to saw the leg of the bed that Jim is chained to in half
and eat the sawdust in stead of just lifting up the bed and sliding to
chain off.
- While all of this is happening, Huck and Tom are also
playing prank of their aunt and uncle by doing things like stealing and
replacing a spoon while Aunt Sally tries to count them and the same with
the sheets
- Not only are these tricks driving Aunt Sally nuts,
while Tom and Huck are trying to get snakes and rats and spiders for Jim,
they keep getting loose in the house so Sally is having to deal with her
insanity and rodents
- Silas and Sally aren’t getting any response to letters
to the owner of Jim so they set out a notice around town and this makes
Jim nervous
- So Tom write letters telling the family to beware and
such things and ends with a letter telling the family all about a plan
that the Indians have to come a take Jim and a plan letting them how to
kill these Indians
- On the night that they are planning their escape the
plan is all worked out and Huck goes to the kitchen to get some last
minute food for the escape trip. But he runs into Sally who asks him all
sorts of questions until they sees that he is taking food, then she sends
him back upstair
- Huck sees that Jim and Tom are all ready to go, when
there is a group of farmers waiting the “Indians”
- The three escape out of the hole and no one notices
until Tom’s pants get stuck on some wire and then the gang follow behind,
shooting all the time.
- The three make it to the raft when Tom realizes that
he was shot and Jim refuses to continue going until they get a doctor
- Huck goes to find a doctor for Tom and he tells him
where Tim is an everything
- The doctor won’t get into the one person raft with
Huck so Huck lets him go help Tom and Huck runs into Silas who takes him
back to the farm
- Sally talks about how she was worried sick and what
not and lock Huck him room, but stays up looking for Tom
- The next day Jim, Tom and the Doctor make it back to
the farm and everyone wants to hang Jim but the doctor says no because
Jim is a good nigger. Jim risked his freedom in order to save Tom’s life.
The choose not to kill him, but still chain him up to the Hut
- When Tom wakes up be tell the whole scheme to Aunt
Sally and when he hears the Jim is still locked up, he is furious because
Miss Watson dies two months ago and in her will she set Jim free, so the
whole thing was for nothing at all.
- Aunt Polly shows up, nervous about how things are
going and agrees that Jim is a free slave now
- Tom gives Jim $40 for the work that Jim has
done for the past couple weeks, being a prisoner and all, and Jim is more
than ecstatic about the money
- Huck thinks that by now Pap has drank all of his money
away but Jim tells Huck that the dead man in the house a while back was
his father so his $6,000 is still with Judge Thatcher
- Sally and Silas want to adopt Huck but he says to heck
with civilization, he is going out west into Indian territory